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Yoga. Prayer. Celebration. Community. Faith connections. Purpose. Visit the Interfaith Sanctuary.


Prayer & Meditation

  • Mindfulness meditation and relaxation along with Labyrinth walking meditation scheduled throughout the semester
  • Yoga class: Thursdays at 6:00 pm. All levels of experience welcome to attend
  • Sunday Morning Mass at 11:00 am at St. Vincent de Paul Church (on the corner of Madison Ave. and Partridge St.)
    • Bagels and Beverages in the Sanctuary at 10:00 am
  • Opportunities for Prayer or just a quiet place to breathe: The Interfaith Sanctuary is open for quiet prayer and reflection from 8:00 am 鈥 10:00 pm, Monday thru Thursday and 8:00 am 鈥 5:00 pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Student Groups

  • Better Together 鈥 This student organization for those from all faith traditions and belief systems, creates a safe space to communicate with others who think differently in a 鈥渘o judgment zone鈥. We offer support to the many ways people explore spiritual paths and engage in service as a common ground. Through this, we learn about each other and about ourselves.
  • Catholic Student Organization
  • Jewish Student Organization
  • Muslim Student Organization
  • Brothers and Sisters in Christ 鈥 BASIC
  • The Happiness Support Project
  • Art Break
  • Board Game Caf茅聽
  • **Contact Joan Horgan at horganj@strose.edu for information about meeting times


  • Reach Out 富二代视频app Rose 鈥 This year鈥檚 date: Saturday, September 9, 2022!
    Reach Out 富二代视频app Rose is an amazing tradition at the College, when hundreds of 富二代视频app Rose students, staff, alumni, family and friends go out into the community and make a difference with a few hours of time and energy. A little bit of our time supports neighborhoods, nursing homes, shelters, community gardens and local social service organizations that do so much to respond to the needs of the people of the Capital Region. Follow this link to learn more about this amazing program!聽
  • Happiness Support Project 鈥 Wednesdays at 3 pm and Tuesdays at 4 pm in the Interfaith Sanctuary
    Group members increase their skills at bringing happiness into their lives while also managing times when happiness is challenged
  • Celebration of the Seasons 鈥撀Join us this December as we end the semester celebrating the many holidays and holy days happening in November and December
  • Outreach Trips 鈥 Explore issues of service, faith and justice and how we find our purpose in the world

Follow us on our Instagram and Facebook pages: strose_spiritualife (Instagram) and 富二代视频app Rose Office of Spiritual Life (Facebook)