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By definition, a major in Interdepartmental Studies combines course work in two or more disciplines. This major provides a flexible framework that allows for the design of a variety of nontraditional programs. Under the umbrella of Interdepartmental Studies, the College has developed several specified options and several less-defined options as described below. The degree in all cases is Bachelor of Arts in Interdepartmental Studies.

Course options include:
1. Special Studies Option
2. Business/Mathematics Option
3. Computer Science/Mathematics Option
3. Physical Science/Mathematics Option
4. 3 + 2 Engineering Option

Students interested in pursuing a degree in Interdepartmental Studies should contact the Office of Academic Advising at 454-5217.

Option 1: Special Studies Option
The Special Studies option retains the flexible dimension of the Interdepartmental Studies major. Under this option, students are able to design their own major by combining two clusters of at least 18-24 credits each or three clusters of at least 12-18 credits each. All students interested in participating in the Interdepartmental Studies Program must complete an application form prior to formally enrolling in this major.

Application/program requirements include:
• Students write a narrative demonstrating how the Interdepartmental Studies program, specifically the combination of the two or three disciplines specific to their Interdepartmental Studies program, will contribute to their career and life goals.Students develop a formal plan of study, in conjunction with the Academic Advising Office, that includes:
• A list of courses, including advanced-level courses, that comprise the core of the student’s plan
• An explanation of how and why these courses constitute a focused academic program

Note: Some academic departments have specific requirements that Interdepartmental Studies students must fulfill in order to incorporate the discipline into their major. For example, the History Department requires that students take at least one course from each of the following geographic areas: Africa, Asia/Middle East, Europe, Latin America, and the United States.

• The Plan of Study must include progression from 100 to 400 level courses.
• Students must successfully complete the College-wide Liberal Education Requirements.
• A capstone is required for completion of the program.
• Once the application narrative and Plan of Study are prepared, students are responsible for meeting with the departments chairs representing the disciplines included in their Interdepartmental Studies program, as well as the appropriate school deans, in order to review and gain approval for their Program of Study.

Option 2: Business/Mathematics Option 61 credits
MAT 190 Calculus 1 4
MAT 191 Calculus 2 4
MAT 201 Calculus 3 4
MAT 270 Finite Mathematics 3
MAT 372 Introduction to Probability Theory 3
MAT Electives numbered above 300 9
ACC 121 Principles of Financial Accounting 3
ACC 122 Principles of Managerial Accounting 3
BUS 219 Management Information Systems 3
BUS 233 Business Law 1 3
BUS 234 Business Law 2 3
BUS 253Principles of Marketing3
BUS 301 Financial Management 3
BUS Electives from BUS 221, 322, 346, 352, ECO 105, 352 6
CIS 202 Introduction to C++ 4
CIS Electives from CIS 205, 302, 3213

Option 3: Computer Science/Mathematics Option 59 credits
CIS 202 Introduction to C ++ 4
CIS 302 Data Structures in C++ 4
CIS 321 Database Management 4
CIS 332 Microcomputer Architecture and Programming 3
MAT 190 Calculus 1 4
MAT 191 Calculus 2 4
MAT 201 Calculus 3 4
MAT 240 Linear Algebra 3
MAT 295 Discrete Mathematical Structures 3
MAT 319 Numerical Analysis 3
PHY 190,191 Fundamentals of Physics 1 and 2 8
Elective courses from the following: 15
CIS 311, 342, 344, 413, 431, 432, 433, 434, MAT 330, 340, 350, 372, 373

Option 4: Physical Science/Mathematics Option 63 credits
MAT 190 Calculus 1 4
MAT 191 Calculus 2 4
MAT 201 Calculus 3 4
MAT 302 Differential Equations 3
MAT Electives numbered 300 or above 12
CHM 190 General Chemistry 1 4
CHM 191 General Chemistry 2 4
CHM 401 Physical Chemistry 1 4
CHM 402 Physical Chemistry 2 4
PHY 190Fundamentals of Physics 1 4
PHY 191 Fundamentals of Physics 2 4
PHY 302 Modern Physics 4
CHM/PHYElectives in chemistry or physics 8

Option 5: 3 + 2 Engineering Program
The 3 + 2 program in Engineering allows a student to earn two degrees over a period of five years (depending on course loads): the B.A. in Interdepartmental Studies from The College of ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose and a B.S. in Engineering at either Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) or Clarkson University. Under our affiliation agreements with RPI and Clarkson, students complete three years of prescribed course work at ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose and then complete two years of study within the Engineering programs at the other institution. Students interested in this program should consult the office of Undergraduate Admissions or the School of Mathematics and Sciences.

Final approvalÌýfor admission into the Interdepartmental Studies Program rests solely with the specific departments. Once approved, department chairs and deans sign the student’s Plan of Study, and the student brings the completed form to the Director of Academic Advising, who files a copy and sends a copy to the Registrar’s Office for official documentation of Interdepartmental Studies as the student’s major.