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When you graduate from 富二代视频app Rose, you become a part of something bigger鈥攍iterally and figuratively.

富二代视频app Rose alumni make up a vast international community, more than 47,000 strong, of creative, innovative professionals鈥攁nd it means a lot to each of us to be a part of it. We connect by networking and opening doors for others to new opportunities. We laugh over shared memories and create new ones by coming together on social media and on campus. We inspire peers and future generations of 富二代视频app Rose students with our determination and success stories. In fact, we are more than community; we are family, because we made 富二代视频app Rose our home.

What is more, there are very tangible perks. Not only does networking inspire and lead to new job opportunities, but the College offers career services like resume review, Education Expo, and more. Other benefits include discounts on insurance and other services, application fee waivers, and scholarships for children of alumni. Professionally and personally, the rewards of being a 富二代视频app Rose alum are boundless.

The Monsignor Joseph Delaney Alumni Family Scholarship is awarded annually by The College of 富二代视频app Rose Alumni Association to two students who are considered legacies of the College.
The 富二代视频app Rose Fund strengthens the College鈥檚 ability to provide a forward-looking, progressive educational experience and create a wide range of opportunities for intellectually curious and deserving students who call 富二代视频app Rose HOME.
It is the easiest way to keep your finger on the pulse of 富二代视频app Rose鈥攆rom campus news and letters from the President to inspiring stories of alumni like you. Sign up for our e-newsletter and magazine.
You might be surprised at all that 富二代视频app Rose has to offer鈥攅xclusively to our alumni鈥攚hether you are days or decades beyond your College years.