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Message to Students

Founded by the Sisters of ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Joseph of Carondelet, we are guided by the College’s and five values that are embedded in the experience of every ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose community member:

  • Orientation toward excellence
  • Development of the whole person
  • Building an inclusive community
  • Serving the dear neighbor
  • Meeting the needs of the times

During your time at ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose, you will learn what it means to be a member of an inclusive community that welcomes and supports one another.  Our campus community will support and challenge you to grow and learn in all of your experiences.

This guide for community standards outlines the responsibilities that you have as a ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose student.  It is your responsibility to understand and be familiar with the expectations that we have for you as contributing members of our community.  If you fail to comply with any of the College policies, you may be subject to participate in the Community Standards Review Process.  We want your experience at ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose to be a positive one; in order for that to happen, we need to support one another. We can show that support by talking to one another with kindness in our voices – whether those voices are in person or through electronic means.  Then we need to truly listen to each other, hear what is being said, ask questions when we are unsure, and then take what we hear and learn from one another.

As a member of the ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose community, a number of opportunities will be placed before you.  It is up to you to take advantage of all you can.   You will have the ability to learn through your coursework, service to others, leadership roles, employment possibilities, athletics and more.  There are multiple ways to be involved on campus – join or start a club, be a tour guide, serve as a tutor, be an RA.  The more you do, the more chances there are to find your gifts and talents that you bring.  As you learn more about those gifts and talents, you will determine how you will make a difference in the lives of others on campus, in our neighborhood, and across the state, nation and world.

Student Conduct Video Resources

Watch the following videos for an explanation on the rights of the referred individual, the disciplinary process, and the appeal process.

Referred Individual Rights


The Process


The Appeal Process

Student Conduct Video Resources

Watch the following videos for an explanation on the rights of the referred individual, the disciplinary process, and the appeal process.

Referred Individual Rights


The Process


The Appeal Process


When a member of The College of ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose community has experienced an alleged act of misconduct which violates the physical and/or mental welfare of an individual, they should expect that the student community standards, policies and procedures review system shall respond in a caring, sensitive manner which allows the reporting student to utilize the student community standards, policies and procedures review process unimpeded, while still maintaining the rights of the responding student. Cases related to Title IX or Sexual Harassment and Misconduct will be handled by the Title IX Office. [The Office of Student Support and Development will review each case and will inform individuals when they have been granted this status.] The following rights shall be provided to reporting students:

  • To be treated with dignity and compassion by the student support and development office, and by all persons involved in the disciplinary process.
  • To information pertaining to the campus student community standards, policies and procedures review process and appropriate referrals for information on the criminal process.
  • To assistance throughout the student community standards, policies and procedures review process, including the right to have an advisor present at all proceedings.
  • To all due process protections provided to respondents, including the right to written notification of a hearing, the right to hear all information presented, the right to present information and witnesses, the right to verbal disclosure of the results of a hearing (for reporting students of crimes of violence or non-forcible sexual offenses), and the right to appeal imposed sanctions.
  • To testify from another location as long as it does not infringe upon the rights of the respondent to have a fair hearing.
  • To have any unrelated past behavior excluded from the hearing process. The student conduct hearing officer shall determine what constitutes unrelated behavior.
  • To submit a written impact statement to the student community standards, policies and procedures review staff member which will be considered only in sanctioning, should there be a finding of violation against the respondent.
  • To privacy throughout the student community standards, policies and procedures review process in relation to campus and other media, and from all other uninvolved parties.
  • To expect to be free from intimidation and harassment throughout the student community standards, policies and procedures review process.
  • To request supportive measures that may include:
    • Counseling
    • Extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments
    • Mutual No Contact Orders
    • Changes in work or housing locations
    • Modifications of work or class schedules/taking classes remotely
    • Campus escort services
    • Leaves of absence
    • Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus

  • Parents of dependent students are notified of disciplinary decisions when students are found in violation of alcohol or drug policies.
  • If a student is arrested for a serious incident off campus or is arrested multiple times they will be referred to the campus student community standards, policies and procedures review system.
  • Certain drug arrests and convictions will result in loss of financial aid.
  • Students 21 and over may not consume alcohol in the presence of an individual under 21.
  • Kegs, beer balls, shot glasses or any item that can be used to ingest alcoholic beverages in an irresponsible manner, ie funnels, are not allowed.
  • Drug paraphernalia or any items which can be used or are designed for the use of drugs are not allowed.
  • You must carry your college identification card with you at all times. Failure to do so, or providing false information to a college official, is against college policy.
  • You are responsible for your guest’s actions while they are on The College of ¸»¶þ´úÊÓƵapp Rose campus.
  • Failure to comply with requests from a residence hall staff member is against college policy.

Student Community Standards, Policies and Procedures FAQs

FAQs for Students

More Info

Student Community Standards, Policies and Procedures for Parents

FAQs for Parents

More Info